Admission Info



IDC (English Medium) MADRASAH

Holy Light for Life.

English Medium Admission Going On  July to June Session 2020-21

(Admission Open for Play, Nursery, KG-I, KG-II, Std.I, Std.II To A-Level)

  1. Dairy – 150 BDT
  2. Birth Certificate & 3 Copy Pictures
  3. Dress:  2000 BDT
  4. Cads Shoes
  5. Hijab For Girls ( From Class 04)
  6. ID Card: 150 BDT
  7. Books: 600 BDT
  8.  Nurani Books: 70 BDT
  9. Papers: 8 Pieces ( 4 for HW & 4 For CW)
  10. Pencil / Pen / Drawing  Box

Departments of IDC madrasa:

  • Nurani
  • Najera
  • Hifz
  • Play to A level
  • General Department(To Class 10)
  • Diniya and kaumi Department
  • ICT and Digital Department for all

Admission Information for

IDC English medium madrasa


Rules for 2020-2021 academic year admission:

Admission form time and Date :

For English medium

  1. Time and Date for collecting admission form: It can be collected from 02 May 2020 – 01 October 2020.from 10.00 am -2.00 pm(except friday)



Directors of IDC English medium madrasa


  • Main patron: Mawlana A.N.M Abu Bakar Siddik, Islami Dawah Centre, Subidpur, Faridganj, Candpur.- Mobile: 01609 820094
  • Founder director:  Hafej Mufti Mahbub Osmane,  BA Honours and Masters in English. Founder of,, – Mobile: 01716 988 953
  • Assistant director: MD: Asadul Islam, professor at king Khaled university- the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mobile: 01716 988 953
  • Assistant director: Engineer MD Azhar Ahmed, CTO at Ocenise Inc. Mobile: 01712 999 908
  • Assistant director: Engineer MD Zahidul Islam, Software Engineer at, Mobile: 01405  237 149


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Donate at IDC Orfanage and Guraba fund

For Rukiyah contact with IDC